I was given a pinback button not too long ago that said exactly that. It’s not really an angry command just a blunt suggestion. There will never be a better time, I mean there’s no sports on TV so what else are you gonna do? If it helps, you can drink while reading, or maybe smoke a cigar, that way, the next time you pick up that book you’ll smell the cigar you smoked – what a lovely olfactory reminder.

Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you some practical suggestions. You won’t have to rely on any sketchy ratings from Amazon, rather you can find your next great read by following the sketchy recommendations provided below.

I read exactly 100 books last year. That kinda makes me a literary badass, but that doesn’t mean I’m more sophisticated or disciplined that you, just smarter. As always, the five-star book is elusive and this year thus far it’s been slim pickins. Still, there are plenty of worthwhile reads and when we open a book, enlightenment falls out.

A few suggestions.

This is new terrain for me and I much prefer to go old-school with classic books and authors who wrote timeless stories mostly in the first half of last century. Sometimes these books are called noir or detective novels or murder mysteries or crime stories. There are many legendary and prolific writers in this genre who introduce a bunch of interesting, serial characters. Maybe you’ll dig Agatha Christie, if so a good place to start is her book “And Then There Was One;” Dashiell Hammett’s classic “The Maltese Falcon” can’t miss. Remember Mickey Spillane? He has a series of books centered around a hardass detective named Mike Hammer, try “Kiss Me Deadly.” John D. MacDonald is a fine mystery writer who invented a dude named Travis McGee to solve crimes throughout the 1950s and 1960s, all his books are solid. But the absolute king of this category is Raymond Chandler, a master of storytelling, of dialog, of detail, painting wonderful pictures one fantastic simile at a time. His Philip Marlowe character is one-of-a-kind, read his classic “The Big Sleep.”

When Time Stopped: A Memoir Of My Father’s War And What Remains by Ariana Neumann
It’s a story about a Czechoslovakian family as the Nazi’s close-in during WWII, the author’s family. They move to South America and never speak of the war, but little bits of their experience leak out and the author then starts a mission of discovery. It’s beautifully done. The book starts out a little disjointed but it quickly hits its stride, becoming an almost impossible story about love and hate, tragedy and triumph, the divine and godlessness, courage and determination and destiny. Against all odds the author, through her fact-finding ends up have a deep, rich relationship with people she never met. Brilliant and dogged research and wonderful heartfelt writing. In a story unthinkably sad, you walk away feeling uplifted because the author receives an invaluable gift.

Jack Hinson’s One-Man War: A Civil War Sniper by Tom C. McKenney
His family lives in Tennessee on a thriving farm. As the Civil War encroaches on Tennessee he wants to keep his family neutral, but the war won’t let him. Family tragedy occurs and Jack takes to the hills and wages an unbelievable personal war. A great story and a thoughtful telling that blends natural and military history with an admiration and fascination typically reserved for our Wild West heroes. Jack Hinson is simply an unparalleled example of American courage, commitment and principle, a true American frontiersman who in many ways should be admired. The book is essential to any person looking for a more perfect understanding of the Civil War.

Brothers Down: Pearl Harbor And The Fate Of Many Brothers Aboard The USS Arizona by Walter R. Borneman
The book’s subtitled sets the stage perfectly. Heart-achingly wonderful; a love letter to brotherhood, family, service and country.

A Book Suggestion You Can’t Refuse
The Last Don by Mario Puzo
If you dig the Godfather you’ll dig this. A mob masterpiece. No one can touch Puzo in telling this kind of story; the book has dozens of characters you actually care about and the dialog and story arc are classic Puzo.

Photo on VisualHunt






When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father’s War and What Remains