When Does The “Warming” Part Start

The trouble with global warming is that, well, you freeze your ass off. Across virtually the entire continent, 2019 has been the year of waiting for the sun. Never has a globe so warm been so wet, windy and cold. So what gives?

The concept of global warming, the way they tell it in the papers, is that all the gas you’ve bought over a lifetime, the aerosol hairspray you used and that time you threw that aluminum can into the wrong-colored trash can means there will be an environmental apocalypse where there will be no seasons and no days under 100 degrees. Maybe that’s not exactly true.

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It’s Hot Today … It’s Not Your Fault

The biggest political marketing campaign in the history of the world has been going on now for well over a decade. It’s an emotional campaign. It’s a ruse. Its sole intention is to make you feel guilty, to scare you into becoming a reactionary. The politically-owned media wants you to be on Stormwatch or freaking out about a heatwave every day of the year.

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