Life’s Important Debates.

So there’s only one person left on Gilligan’s Island. If you had Ginger in the castaways’ pool, then congrats. TV was better when there were only five or six channels and everyone huddled around the set on a Wednesday night to watch seven knuckleheads on a desert island trying to get reception from a radio made out of a coconut. But the real legacy of a show like Gilligan’s Island is that the two single girls on the show gave rise to one of the most important debates in popular culture.

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Best Of The Best

If you dig The Beatles you’ve most certainly been asked to name your favorite album. It can be an impossibly subjective question and I have been a little non-committal on the topic … until now. The real question isn’t one of favorites, it’s a measure of best – what’s the best album by the best band ever. I came up with a formula to figure it out.

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