The Seven Dwarfs Got Married.

Once the dwarfs started to see a little cash from the 1937 movie they made, and after it became clear that none of them would score Snow White, the first thing they wanted to do was find wives. After all, even though the movie makeup gave them a youthful, some say adolescent appearance, these short miners were getting old. Even Dopey was in his thirties. They knew the deck was stacked against them. The typical, reasonably-sustainable job for a dwarf in those days in the faraway hill country where they lived was mining, and as such, there were thousands of the little dudes in the vicinity. Conversely, only a handful of small chicks wanted to be around the dirty human moles. Now that they had some extra dough in their tiny pockets they all figured they’d be players – figuratively speaking, big fish in a dwarfed-sized pond.

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