Tell Me A Joke, Let’s Have A Smoke

Cigar Salutations From The Old Glory Society*

There was a time when the funniest guy in the room was a short Jewish guy holding a cigar. It’s possible that cigars make you funnier. Or maybe cigar smokers are just lazy and instead of getting a real job they first try to make a buck by telling jokes. When’s the last time someone came up to you and asked (someone other than your five-year-old), “Hey, wanna hear a good joke?” Shit, I get it, if someone offers to tell you a good joke in 2017 you figure he’s gonna drop his pants or something. Still, life would be simpler, more enjoyable if we told more jokes and smoked more cigars.

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Gotta Match?

Cigar Salutations From The Old Glory Society*

As a cigar smoker, if you need to inquire about the availability of fire, you’re woefully unprepared my friend. Smoking a cigar isn’t a game of chance. You don’t buy cigars at the local 7-Eleven on impulse and you don’t catch one on fire with whatever’s on hand, like one of those long-tipped, pull-the-trigger things you light a barbecue with. If things go right, you’re going to have that cigar in your mouth for about an hour, so let’s have a little respect, huh?

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Cigar Dudes In History

The Old Glory Society is a gentlemen’s cigar club that exists, not only in the physical world, but in your mind. In the Society’s formative years, I served as lead propagandist and I still write words about cigars and the groovy, historic vibe that surrounds them under the Society’s sacred banner.

Cigar Salutations From The Old Glory Society

Today’s lesson, my leaf-toking brethren is about two gentlemen you may have, quite literally, had your lips around recently. The dudes of whom I speak are Henry Clay and Simon Bolivar. Today, each has his name wrapped around various tobacco concoctions, but in their day, both of these cigar idols were potent political moguls and leaders of men. Read more