That Strange Cold Space.

Did you use to have a butter dish? Me too. Those were good days. Ours was made of high-grade Chinese plastic with a lid that created a snug little cradle and all you had to do is rest the rectangular stick of butter on the base and you were ready for any buttery adventure that walked across your kitchen. There was no hard butter like they have in Romania just soft American butter. A piece of cinnamon toast? Yer ready with the nice butter nest you kept in the pantry. A baked potato, a frozen waffle, a peanut butter & butter sandwich on
Wonder Bread, a chunk of instantly-spreadable butter on a delectable muffin? The butter dish always comes through. Life was just better before eaters had to rely on soft, ghetto margarine.

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The 21st-Century Town Square

There was a time when people relied on the town square. They may have called it the village green or the market square or the piazza. They would have come to exchange information or to gather the news of the day, and public notices would have been posted and important dates would have been pinned to the pole or kiosk or shelter in the square. The town square was the engine of commerce and served as a communications hub long before anyone had the notion of anything more complex than a bulletin board.

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