The Power Of The Snack

At one point I wrote the scripts for a series of TV ads. The ads were for a computer company and the general intent was to create a funny take on how the typical family of four would use the thing. I don’t really recall anything about the words I wrote but I assume they were witty and endearing and that the actors found them inspiring and that the director and crew considered them mesmerizing and refreshing.

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The Candy Bully

Well, there was no suspenseful ending here. No halfcourt shot at the buzzer, no bases-loaded bottom-of-the-ninth drama, no ball sailing through the uprights as time expires, no unknown candy from some small town riding in on a licorice train to shock the candy world. No, this was an old-fashion ass-kicking; the big kid on the block pushing around a bunch of kindergarteners. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups has been crowned champion of the Best Candy Ever Tournament, and while there were some sweet performances by some unlikely treats, it wasn’t really very close.

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Revelations From A Candy Contest

With the Sweetest Sixteen now revealed (see the attached updated bracket below) in the world’s best ever candy bracket it’s time for reflection on what we’ve learned from the literally hundreds of candy conversations we’ve had over the past couple of weeks. Turns out candy is a form of therapy and a much-needed diversion for lots and lots of people and even the more subdued among us are still fairly serious on the subject and hold completely biased feelings about what they want most from the candy store.

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