One time, between jobs I worked at Starbucks. Actually, working would be overstating things. I’ve never actually had a cup of coffee (truly) so I’d never actually been in a Starbucks, but I’d heard that it was where slackers and caffeine groupies and people on the dole often gather to poach free Wi-Fi, posture as if conducting real business and discuss the metaphysical merits of the scone, so one day I channeled my inner hipster and went there.
Mormons In The Garage
People live either a garage-door-open or a garage-door-closed existence. One allows the circulation of air and the possibilities that can arrive on the wind, the other, I suppose, gives the blessing of solitude and the illusion of privacy. Those that choose closed must ultimately face the demons within, those that pick open must deal with whatever wanders in.
The Maiden & The Amethyst
A young brave rested on one knee at the edge of a wide, powerful stream on the northern plains of America’s glorious past. This was his land, the land of his forefathers, yet he still twitched with anticipation, all senses firing … the plains were alive, dangerous, life there was as fragile as the shell of a robin’s egg.