Used to be that living off the grid meant living off the power grid … Stickin’ it to the man by avoiding taxes and power bills, living off the land and sucking off of the government’s energy instead of paying for your own. Today, living off the grid essentially means living without the Internet or a smartphone. I’m not saying that would be easy, but it sure does make us all sound like a bunch of pussies. So if the grid is now synonymous with the Internet, then living on the grid is kind of pathetic, codependent and mindless and living off the grid would be a reactionary course correction, unrealistic and probably unsafe. So I’ve resolved to live next to the grid. Maybe you’ll try living there with me, or maybe you’ll just flip me the bird from your pod on the grid and say that I don’t get it.
We Need Better Exit Strategies
Say you’re in your late seventies, maybe eighty. You can still move around unassisted and you generally recognize the world and people around you; you remember where you put your socks and you know how to put them on. You pee in the bathroom and not in your pants. You go to bed as normal on a Thursday, and on Friday, you don’t wake up. Your heart just stops, there was no pain, no drama. As far as death and dying go, you just hit lotto, I mean, you’re dead, but you got lucky. Your body left but your dignity remained. No one gets that lucky in real life and the end for most of us, if our parents are an accurate indicator, will be a humiliating, debasing, bank-account-draining disaster that will terrorize our children and make a mockery of the life we aspired to make meaningful.
Thin Mints & Spin The Bottle
The Boy Scout Jamboree just got a whole lot livelier. Now that girls are gonna be there the little male scouts will be able to earn a bunch of new merit badges like Spin-The-Bottle Champ and Getting To Second Base and Watching Girls In The Showers and General Social Embarrassment. Isn’t that great? The weekend campout has now turned into date night because society says there can no longer be anything just for boys or just for girls.