If you go to Boston you’ll undoubtedly see a store on the corner – the Connah Stah. Sully and Fitz will buy smokes there and two-dollar scratchers. There will be a bar next door but they’ll call it a tavern because that’s what they called it when it was built not long after the Pilgrims arrived. There will be a couple of TVs most likely tuned to the hockey game and if you want to change the channel you’ll need to ask the bah tenda (good luck with that). Within a block or two, there will be twelve places to buy cannolis and donuts made by Dunkin, but what you’ll find in equal abundance are Patriots because Boston is really located on the connah of history.
Old School
In January 1836 James Smithson, an obscure English amateur scientist who had never been to America, died and bequeathed $500,000 ($11 million in today’s dollars) to the U.S. government for science.
Selfless, random, forward-thinking, generous, thought-provoking, legendary – Smithson is worthy of American Idol status. Smithson wasn’t prescriptive in any way about the execution of his final wishes. Here’s some money, spend it on science. A complete stranger did America an incredibly-enduring solid: Put his money where his mouth is – from the grave.
Millennials are kind of an easy target, misunderstood, painted with the broad brush, and I’m not the type to pile on … uh, yes I am.