Best Of The Best

If you dig The Beatles you’ve most certainly been asked to name your favorite album. It can be an impossibly subjective question and I have been a little non-committal on the topic … until now. The real question isn’t one of favorites, it’s a measure of best – what’s the best album by the best band ever. I came up with a formula to figure it out.

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Sinatra Songs

What follows is an attempt to rank the best songs by Francis Albert Sinatra. It is a daunting task and the result is completely biased and, likely, deeply flawed but as you know, if you want to start a conversation in this life, and hopefully, an argument, you can’t just sit there. And besides, if we want to keep the precious music we love, music they don’t make anymore, we need to listen to it and talk about it every day.

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Hippety-Hop To The MP3 Shop

There are a bunch of groovy rock songs that talk about how “rock will never die” or how “you can’t kill rock & roll.” I wanna believe the concept and more than once I’ve screamed, “Fuck, ya!” when I hear those words and the badass guitar riffs that go with them. It turns out it’s not really true. Rock & roll is slowly expiring because the people who dig it and make it are expiring … so bye-bye Miss American Pie.

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