This story, The Haunting Of Kite Park, is the 200th entry since I started this word game in September of last year. These stories allow me to have conversations with friends and complete strangers without having to talk to anyone, which is a testimony to my lack of interpersonal skills. If anyone of these or the next 200 stories resonate on even the smallest cellular level then maybe you could share them with someone else and I could be discovered.
“Excuse me, do you come here often?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Can you please tell us what’s at the top of that incline, we don’t want to traipse all that way if it’s a dead end.”
“There’s a picnic shelter and a bathroom and a horseshoe pit and the road then connects to the road that surrounds the lake … but if you don’t mind, people don’t typically go up there.”
“Too tough of a climb, huh?”
“Well, no ma’am, it’s haunted up there.”
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